Benefits of Spray Foam Insulation

United Spray Foam LLC seals a building’s envelope to prevent air leakage. This allows the air to stay at a stable temperature throughout the day, which reduces energy usage and lowers utility bills. It also prevents moisture from entering the structure, which can lead to mold and rot.

How Spray Foam Insulation Works

Foam insulation can be used in both residential and commercial buildings. Depending on the type of foam used, it can offer different R-values. A higher R-value indicates a greater degree of thermal protection. The specific R-value needed for a project depends on its climate zone and local regulations.

The high-performance of spray foam insulation makes it possible to meet R-value requirements in homes that would not normally meet code. It’s typical to spray two inches of open-cell foam in walls and three inches of closed-cell foam in roofs, although home builders may choose to add even more insulation to meet R-value requirements and reduce energy consumption.

Another benefit of spray foam insulation is its ability to reduce HVAC system usage. Its powerful sealing properties keep conditioned air inside your home, which reduces your need for heating during cold North Carolina winters and cooling during hot summers. This can save your household up to 50% of its annual energy costs, and those savings can quickly add up.

It’s important to note that spray foam insulation can off gas volatile organic compounds during the actual application process and while it’s curing. Therefore, it’s important that home occupants vacate the house during this time and wear protective clothing, goggles, and breathing apparatuses for their own safety.

United Spray Foam LLC
2450 Krouse Rd Lot 309 Owosso, MI 48867

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