Whole grain oats are oats that have been processed into flour form, usually to be used for baking. The process of processing includes removing any remaining husks and endosperm which may remain in the oats during milling. The oats are usually soaked overnight in water in order to remove any remaining water and then ground into flour in a food processor or in a hand blender. They are available dried, wholemeal version and ready to use in baking, cooking, confectionery, porridge, and a wide range of other food applications.
Learn How To Start Benefits Of Whole Grains
There are several different kinds of whole grains. In addition to the commonly known oats, barley, bulgur, and rye, there are also brown and wild rice, millet, and amaranth. When speaking of grain, the whole grain refers to all of the edible parts of an edible plant. Oatmeal is the most well known grain but also includes corn, peas, and wheat. Even though many of these grain varieties may sound alike, they are not really all of one type. For example, oats are not technically whole grains, but rather an ingredient in baking bread.
Oatmeal is the richest source of soluble fiber, which is helpful for people who struggle with constipation. The soluble fiber found in whole grain oats helps to move waste through the digestive tract more quickly, thus helping to prevent constipation. This in turn reduces pressure on the kidneys and colon and improves overall digestive health. The highly soluble fiber found in oats is also helpful in regulating blood sugar levels. These properties make them an excellent choice for those who need to watch their blood sugar levels, because they help keep them in check.