About Erotic Novels
For those that love to read stories of a more kinky nature, erotic novels offer a great way to explore and enjoy one’s sexual fantasies. These novels are often filled with all the kinks that one may have a hard time discussing in real life, and can serve as a tool for communication between partners or for discovering what someone else might like to experience. Source: snakkomsex.no
Lust in the Moonlight
With the rise of e-readers, it is possible for readers to download and hide erotic books without anyone knowing. This has led to a new wave of erotic publishing where authors that were once secluded from the mainstream can now be found in bookstores and on e-readers. For women, this has opened up the ability to read erotica without worrying about the reactions of others.
While many people might criticize the eroticism of erotic fiction, it also offers an opportunity to explore personal desires in a safe and controlled environment. It might even lead to an exploration of new kinks that one would have been afraid to try in the past.
Our findings support previous research that reveals that participants who read erotic fiction believe it provides positive excitement. In contrast, participants who do not read erotic fiction perceive the genre as boring and uninteresting. Further, we find that our participants attribute erotic fiction to progressive values such as emancipatory and feminist. These beliefs could explain why the genre is so popular in our study population. Future research drawing on a larger participant pool from different cultures and with more detailed analyses of personality features is needed to further investigate these themes.