The recent announcement by the Canadian government of legal cannabis use has created a new demand for licensed cannabis users, especially in provinces that enforce restrictive drug legislation. In spite of this, many Canadians are still hesitant to try this alternative medication that has been regarded as “soft” by most. Marijuana is derived from the cannabis plant, which is native to Australia and some parts of Mexico. Some people argue that it is safer than alcohol or tobacco because there are no side effects. Others believe that it is just another drug, which is why the sale and distribution of cannabis are not regulated in Canada like other pharmaceutical drugs. Online Cannabis Store
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However, it seems that many are now changing their minds when it comes to trying cannabis because of the reported significant health benefits. Many users consider it to be a replacement for alcohol or tobacco, and there are reported no side effects to go with it. It has also been proven that the user does not spend more on cannabis than he would on his substance of choice, and in fact, the reverse is true. He may spend a lot more on his cannabis habit, but he would not experience any less consumption than he normally would if he were to use alcohol or tobacco.
Despite all the positive comments and sentiments expressed by many marijuana users in Canada, there are still those that do not approve of its use, including police officers. One such police officer was recently heard on the radio state that he believed it should be legalized all around the world. Other police officers have the same opinion, and yet they remain silent andondon as far as marijuana use is concerned.