The Nashville Addiction Clinic is a center of the Tennessee Department of Alcohol and Drug Services. It is located in Nashville, TN, where the majority of the residents are suffering from alcohol dependence or alcoholism. The center was established by the Tennessee Board of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors (TADA). This program aims to provide effective treatment and recovery of alcoholics and addicts. It has its own addiction facility where the patients can get the most appropriate help without worrying about money. Click here –
Recovery Community Review – Nashville, TN
The center is open to all kinds of patients regardless of age, gender, ethnicity and any other conditions. The doctors at the center have the experience and skill to treat all types of patients. The center uses the latest technology so that the patients can receive all the necessary treatment even if they are unable to communicate through written or speech forms. The center has an expert counselor who will conduct a one on one session with the patient.
The program helps alcoholics and addicts recover from alcohol dependence and alcoholism. The counselors at the center have the knowledge and skills needed to offer professional help to the patients. They also give advice on how to go about recovery. A variety of treatment options are offered to the patients such as medication-assisted treatment (MAT), individual and group therapy and residential rehabs. They are also provided with professional guidance and services.