What is a Temporary Employment Agency?

Temporary employment agency is an organization that connects businesses with temporary workers to meet their flexible staffing needs. These companies can be privately owned and operated, or part of a wider network of temp agencies.More info :https://euworkers.fr

In France, there are around 11,237 private employment agencies and their subsidiaries, which employ 2,891,673 people. This number has declined slightly since last year, but is still high by European standards. Employment agencies can offer a variety of services, including temporary job placements, training and coaching to prepare for a new career, and specialized recruitment support.

Les Meilleures Agences d’Intérim en France pour le Recrutement Temporaire

According to French law, a company must submit a prior declaration of posting via the SIPSI portal before hiring employees who are seconded from abroad. They must also appoint a representative present on French soil for the duration of their service who will perform all the employer’s obligations regarding the posted employees. The representative must have access to the documents that need to be kept at the disposal of the inspectors (declarations, payslips, etc.).

The drafting of these documents can be complicated and time-consuming, especially for foreign investors. In addition, it is important to comply with the rules on the recruitment of employees who are covered by social security in France. These include submitting the pre-recruitment declaration, requesting the employee’s registration with the primary health insurance fund (Caisse primaire d’assurance maladie – CPAM), and organising an employee recruitment health check-up, which is mandatory.

Moreover, employers must submit the information about the employee to the French Ministry of Labour and Social Protection (Ministry of Labour and Social Protection – MLPSP) within a maximum of three months following their recruitment. The MLPSP will then notify the CPAM about the employee’s registration.

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